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Items filtered by date: June 2020

Tuesday, 02 June 2020 12:01

2020-6 Covid 19 Update

Dear Property Owners of Altamira!

We are all experiencing difficult times because of the Corona pandemic; many of the restrictions we have to live with are extreme and are having a major impact on our daily life.  Indeed, in addition to the impact on our individual life style, our community rhythm and facilities have also been affected:                  

          Our AGM - planned for the 26th June, has had to be postponed.

          A new date cannot yet be fixed but it could be in October or November this year.

          Our community pools are closed and will stay so as long as the restrictions are so severe.

Hopefully the current situation will soon improve so that once again we can all enjoy our precious time in Altamira.

In the meantime, wherever you are, I take this opportunity to wish you all a nice summer.

I hope you are all in good health, free from the Covid-19 virus, and that it will not be too long before we can all meet again in our beautiful Altamira.

Best regards

Erwin Lahoda


Published in General Notices

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