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Thursday, 30 June 2022 11:00

Rules and regulations

To maintain the residential area in perfect condition and to ensure all residents enjoy the use of their property without hazard or nuisance, owners and any temporary tenants are asked to follow the regulations stated below: 


Speed limit within the entire Las Ramblas urbanizations is 30 km/h

Avenida Ramblas de Oleza (main road) is owned by the city of Orihuela, who decides the rules and regulations and is responsible for maintenance.

All other roads are private roads and belong to our community within the limits of the Altamira urbanization. For private roads, our community is responsible for rules and regulations as well as maintenance.

Parking rules apply as per Spanish law. All road users are asked to park any vehicle sensibly and with due consideration to other road users and without causing a nuisance to residents.

Only one vehicle can be parked by dwelling on Community private roads and parking areas.

Long term parking is not permitted on private roads and parking areas and any damage to the road surface (oil, subsidence, construction and maintenance works, deliveries etc.) where repair/reinstatement is necessary is the responsibility of the party concerned.

General Issues

Care must be taken when arriving or leaving at night not to cause a noise disturbance to other neighbours.

When entertaining etc. people should refrain from playing loud music after 24:00 hours.

If your "unit" is left unoccupied for lengthy periods (without due provision for property inspection) please make sure that the water tap to the house is turned off. This is to avoid any potential damage and waste. A separate tap is normally installed to facilitate garden maintenance.

Communal Electricity

Communal electricity is to be used, only for communal purposes

Household Waste

Household waste should be deposited in the big grey bins situated throughout the urbanisation.  Please do not leave waste outside of your property.  If you have large items for disposal telephone the town hall, 966760000, ext. 29, ask for Veronica who speaks good English.  Leave the items by the bins, they will be collected independently from the usual evening/night collection.


Garden & Garden Waste

All garden waste, either produced by you or your gardener must be deposited in the designated main road areas for collection. Garden waste or packaging must never be burned as this can cause disturbance and be a health risk.

All owners must maintain their gardens in good conditions. If in the opinion of the President, or in his absence one of his vice presidents, a garden is becoming overgrown, or an "eyesore" then formal notice will be given to the property owner to address the problem.

Failure to carry out suitable improvements within two weeks will result in the community undertaking remedial work, the cost of which will be submitted to the property owner.


There are several recycling containers for glass across Las Ramblas. At the entrance additional recycling containers can be found:

  • Clothes & Shoes (dark brown)
  • Plastics (yellow)

Swimming Pools (Opening hours 08.30 – 22.30)

There are six pools and a Jacuzzi in the Altamira Community:

  • Los Lirios Pool (Block 8)
  • Cazorla Pool
  • Salvador Pool
  • Cazorla Cascade Pool (2x)
  • Arneva Pool
  • Los Lirios Jacuzzi (Block 4)

As a resident you are entitled to use any one of them.

POOL RULES -  The following rules apply: 

  • There is no lifeguard at any of the pools.
  • Children younger than 9 years of age should at all times be accompanied by an adult, able to swim
  • Bathing suits are mandatory as well as showering before using the pool
  • For the security of all tenants, no glasses and glass bottles are allowed at or around the pool – picnics and barbecues are not allowed at the pool area
  • Courtesy and comfort for everybody is key:
    • No floats, rubber boats, surf, etc. are allowed
    • No ball games (football, handball, etc.) allowed in the pool or surrounding area.
  • Loud music is not allowed at the pool area as this may cause annoyance to the residents living around the pool
  • Dogs are not allowed at the pool area.
  • No jumping, bombing or diving in pool.
  • You are requested that during the Spanish siesta time (typically 1400-1700) to use the pools ‘’quietly’ ’and to generally respect the privacy of those living near the pools.

Pets and wild animals

It is forbidden by Spanish Law and our own Community’s rules to abandon pets or feed wild animals including, of course, feral cats. 


Please keep your pet on a lead at all times when out walking in the Urbanisation and pick up any waste produced.  Dogs should not be taken on the grass areas around the swimming pools.  Owners should note that in Spain it is illegal to walk a dog off-lead and to leave fouling. Owners can be reported and fines of 500€ - 3000€ can be imposed. 


Post Boxes

The post will be put in your box by the post office. In case you do not have the key, please contact a locksmith to change the lock and keys. Keys should be handed over on the completion of the sale.


You, as the owner, are responsible for the painting of your own property and the walls enclosing it. Spanish law governing Altamira states that the paint must be as close to the original colour as possible. If you are in any doubt as to the correct colour to be used please contact one of the committee who will be happy to advise.


The owner has the responsibility to ensure that anybody renting your property:

  • Is made aware of the community rules
  • fully adheres to the community rules.

A notice should be displayed in a prominent place within the house/apartment explaining the rules and the location of facilities such as the waste bins.

Varies rules and regulations apply to various types of rentals as per Spanish Law. Please find below a useful link:

Our administrator has provided following additional information:

Reform of the HPA by the Royal Decree 7/2019 of March 1st





  • Qualified majority agreement of 3/5 of all owners (presumed absentee voting is allowed) to LIMIT or CONDITION tourist rental activity and to establish quota increases not exceeding 20%. The 20% increase in the quota for owners, who register for tourist rentals after March 2019 may be applied, not to those who had already done so and had been working, as it cannot be retroactively used on them.
  • The agreement that establishes the limits or conditions should be motivated.
  • The limitation or prohibition agreement must be submitted to a public deed and must be recorded in the Statutes and registered in the Land Registry so that it has an impact on third parties.
  • The agreement will also have to be notified to the Tourism Registry of the Valencian Community under the Tourism Agency.


  • The Registration Number in the Tourism Registry of the Valencian Community.
  • Favourable report of urban compatibility of the City Council where the dwelling is located.
  • Signage for tourist establishment of the Valencian Community.


  • Upon prior administrative authorization from the council.
  • When registering the activity.
  • That the tenants do not violate the rules of coexistence of the Community of Owners, the landlord adopting the surveillance measures for this.
  • That the dwelling be used by a maximum number of people attending to the capacity and surface of the dwelling.

The Community of Owners may adopt specific agreements of an individual nature against those community members who fail to comply with their obligations to the Community and whose tenants bother and cause damage in it without any type of measures being taken by the owner.


Owners renting out their properties are responsible for the damage caused to communal elements by their tenants.

Packing material

When household or white goods are delivered it is also important that boxes and packaging are taken away and not just left on site. Big boxes to be crushed before they are disposed in the waste bin

Private Pools

Owners are responsible to maintain their private pools. In case any private pool deteriorates to a point that it is a possible health issue for neighbors, the President will require the owner to correct the issue. If the owner does not perform such maintenance within 2 weeks, the President can request maintenance from a 3rd party whereby the costs will be charged to the owner.

Latest News

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  • Wanted – New Committee members!
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  • Special Rules for Lirios Blocks
  • Waste Collection and Recycling in Altamira
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