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Our Sponsors

tony geary300x164

Tony Geary - Professionally Qualified and Certificated Builder including Plumbing, Electrics - New constructions - Urbanisations and general household repairs and maintenance

Sponsor This Site

Your Las Ramblas Altamira community website is financed through the kind donations of our sponsors.

Please consider sponsoring our community website to help us maintain the site and also to help you reach out to the owners and non-owners that read these pages.

We have 3 levels of sponsorship:

€200 per year*

  • Logo or business card type image which will be placed on the right hand column of each page of the site. This can be a simple copy of your business card or a logo or whatever up to 175px x 110px.
  • The image will have a link to your webpage or Facebook Page
  • Each advert will occupy the column ordered by when you placed your advert on a first come first served basis.

€100 per year*

  • Logo or business card type image which will be placed in the Sponsors page of the site. This can be a simple copy of your business card or a logo or whatever up to 175px x 110px.
  • The image will have a link to your webpage or Facebook Page
  • Each advert will be placed on the site on a first come first served basis.

€50 per year*

  • Logo or business card type image which will be placed in the Sponsors page of the site. This can be a simple copy of your business card or a logo or whatever up to 175px x 110px.
  • Each advert will be placed on the site on a first come first served basis.

* All sponsor adverts have a setup fee of €25 (+IVA) Payable directly to GoHost4U

* The costs shown above will be payable to the administrator/committee

For further information please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact anyone on your committee.

To download the Altamira website sponsorship form please click below

Latest News

  • Street Party Invitation
    You are invited to the Altamira Street Party:
  • Wanted – New Committee members!
      A few committee members have sold their properties and therefore left us this year. Do you know anyone who would like to contribute to our committee? Or do you want to? We’re particularly missing input from owners from Los Lirios blocks and the Calle Mayor area. Please contact Erwin Lahoda This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Special Rules for Lirios Blocks
  • Waste Collection and Recycling in Altamira
    We all want to have a clean and nice environment and there are several options within Las Ramblas to keep our community clean. Maximizing recycling is a vital component of sustainable living as it supports environmental protection and resource efficiency, an essential practice for individuals and communities. Let’s maximize the use of the recycling bins. Altamira Bins     Other…