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Wednesday, 21 December 2022 09:57

Rules for Solar panels

Solar panels on private houses are rather a recent initiative in Spain, therefore the committee has defined a set of rules and recommendations which could evolve if needed

    • Kindly note that as per Spanish Law an approval from the urbanisation committee is required, prior to installation of solar panels, same as for any other external modification.  
    • The owner should complete the Building Application Form and send it to the President for review and approval, specifying the location of the panels, number of panels and the capacity. 
    • Solar panels will be important to keep electricity bills under control and we expect an increasing amount of owners to consider and install solar panels. On the other side, just as with any building work, the urbanisation committee wants to keep the overall appearance of our community intact. Therefore the committee recommends owners is to consider solar panels on rooftops as a priority option. Any other request will be reviewed on it’s own merits and impact on the appearance of our community
    • The committee recommends owners to choose providers with a proven technical track record. Solar panels on houses only took off recently in our part of Spain and proper installation on the roof and safe electrical connections are key to success
    • Every installation need a final approval certificate from ‘Industria’, the appropriate authority in Communidad Valencia before operations can start

Owners are made aware, they have to inform their insurance company of the installation of solar panels.

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