It has very recently been reported to us that a number of attempted and actual burglaries have occurred within Altamira whilst owners have been temporally absent from their properties.
In two instances the criminals used gas to incapacitate the owners’ dogs resulting in one dog dying. The Police are currently investigating a serious burglary which occurred Saturday
8th February during the late evening/night where the use of gas against two dogs was involved.
Please ensure that you take all reasonable precautions to ensure the security of your property and if you become aware of any suspicious activity report the matter direct to the Police - their telephone number being 112.
If you are unfortunate to be a victim of a crime, as well as reporting the matter to the Police, please inform the Altamira Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator David Warnock, email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Many thanks,
Bob Hammond
On behalf of Erwin Lahoda.