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Wednesday, 30 January 2019 09:00

HEALTH TIPS  No. 6 January 2019

Cold winds, possible rain, running noses, some coughing, some shivers, winter season!

Do not wait for the flue and body pains as well as temperature!

Basic prevention is to reinforce your immune system and its defences.  EASY!


The best solution is extracts of CYPRESS and ECCHINACEA


Good news:  the best products are now available in Spain now in 2 galenic presentations;

                        EPS  extracts in liquid  (most powerful)

                        EPS extracts as phytostandards in pills

Ask you pharmacy to get these from the lab subsidiary in Spain:

            Pileje Espana SL   Carrer Marti de l’Erm   08960  Barcelona  +34  933 71 92 82

Posology is 2 coffee spoons one or twice a day for the liquid (my preference) or 4 pills twice a day.

Do not wait: as soon as your throat is alerting you, ACT!

*           *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *

This year, I wish to inform and advise you on health items, questions and worries that you might have on your daily life.

Feel free to send me your questions to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I will gladly answer you in all confidentiality or publish my answers if your question interests more people (after you agree on my publishing the answer of course).

Have a nice and safe winter season.

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