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Friday, 23 February 2018 12:38

HEALTH TIPS by dr Claudio N.1 : How to react against cold and Flu?

Despite of the scarf around your neck or, better in front of your nose, the hat and the coat and regardless of your thorough hand washing various times a day, nasty viruses could find a way in your organism !

As soon as you feel uneasiness in your throat or the need for a handkerchief more often than usual, YOU SHOULD ACT!

You are not in a situation of illness...yet, so any treatment will be positive against the nasty viruses. The earlier you act, the better!

Apart from keeping you warm with hot drinks and eventually getting rid of the “funny hazy head”, the best solution is undoubtedly to reinforce your defence mechanism.

Yes your body has lot of ways to help you without having to rush in the pharmacy to buy pharmaceutical preparations.

I recommend to my patients to take ECCHINACEA and that works perfectly. Echinacea can be found everywhere (in Spain and in Villamartin also!)
This is how you can treat/protect you (from a weak to a strong way) :
- Infusions ( weak, but OK if taken very early and repeatedly)
- Pills (brand “Esperitop”or equivalent) (fine if taken more than 6 units a day, 2 at each time)
- Tincture (brand Echinaforce Dr Vogel is the best) (excellent results start with 15 drops twice a day in very little water, increase up to 25 drops if needed)
- EPS 50% Echinacea 50% Cypress (fantastic, cannot be beaten!) EPS is not knwon in Spanish pharmacies yet but can be bought on the official internet site of the French producer:

At your disposal for additional info-
Take care of yourself! And remember: do not wait ACT EARLY!

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