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Wednesday, 11 April 2018 15:27

HEALTH TIPS by dr Claudio N.2 : Take care and protect Liver and Kidneys !

In Chinese Traditional Medicine also, March and April are the Spring season.

At each season an organ has priority over the others and liver is the one during Spring.

It is highly recommendable to take special care of the liver during this time. The liver is a large chemical plant, the sugar reserve for your energy, and the one taking care of greases among other duties. It is therefore wise to allow a regular thorough cleansing of all toxins. This will enable the organ to regenerate, ensuring better functioning and longer possibilities of defences.

The liver dislikes: greases and fat, excess of sugar, hard alcohol, medicaments and drugs, heavy sauces and hot food. It is also affected by anger, frustration and feeling of injustice.

The liver likes: bitter plants such as artichoke, Mary thistle, fennel, dandelion, black radish, desmodium and a nice cup of herbal tea before going to bed.

These plants can be found everywhere in various types of galenic forms : tablets, capsules, water or alcohol extracts and, the best solution for faster and better results: as EPS extract via Internet          

Should you select to be “nice” with your liver, then take these plants preferably in the evening and choose a lighter dinner.

The Kidneys had a hard time during the winter!

Heavier food, less hydration, eventual medication etc…

They definitely deserve a good cleaning before the summer.

The easiest way to help the kidneys to clean and regenerate is to drink half a litre of water between 5 to 7 pm. 

Surprising…but so true: the kidneys are equipped with a cleansing process needing only ½ l of water but timing must be respected: 5 to 7 pm!           

You will be amazed to hear the amount of back aches, joints contractions that can be eliminated with this so simple “medication”!

Feel free to ask for more info. Have a nice spring time… the pools and the sea are warming up !                                 

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