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Thursday, 07 June 2018 08:23

HEALTH TIPS by dr Claudio N.3 : Small summer accidents and results of over exercising

With the “better” days most of us are inclined to “just do a bit more” in the garden, repairs at home, additional sport and exercising.... and our “older bones” are not always happy about this ...and they do let us know!

There are 2 potential results: inflammation or stiffness and sore muscles.

Stiffness and sore muscles:

The most powerful ingredient against it is a substance called “Diclofenac sodium”. (16 or 20 mg)

It is found in 2 creams:

Voltaren Dolo in Europe and Voltadolo in Spain (available in all pharmacies

Spanish made equivalent (cheaper) is Cinfadol.

Apply 3-4 times a day and rub gently (do not heat the skin!)

Some travellers remain faithful to the red box of Tiger Balm and personally I am also fond of it.


Should the problem be more serious (with pain and swelling) the most standard response is to take Irfen or Voltaren tablets. I am not in favour of this treatment due to the recognised side effects of these molecules on the kidneys. For 3 thousands years, the TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) urge the patients to ensure to keep clean kidneys in case of pain and inflammation!

My proposal is to use a natural way to calm the inflammation.

The standardized Plants Extracts (EPS) from PhytoPrevent, the French producer (Group phytolis, available through Internet in all safety) give spectacular results.

My best formula is Scrofulaire – Reine des Prés – Curcuma (galenic form aa qsp). 3 times per day 2 coffee spoons.

To smooth down the pain I use Paracetamol 650 mg available in all pharmacies. (not Aspirin and acetyl salicyllic acids components to protect the kidneys) .

You can easily take 3 to 5 tablets per day. Wait 2 hours for the next one.

And never forget to drink much more (water, no sugar) especially between 5pm and 7pm.

Gladly at your disposal for additional information.

Have a great and safe summer!

Claude Camredon

Dr Sciences “natural health”

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